The beauty of any children’s book is that although it can pique a young reader’s imagination it can also change an adult one’s mind. No matter what the book is about many books that are designated “for children” are actually stories that are appropriate not only for kids but also for adults who will enjoy them just as much. Just because we get older doesn’t mean life’s lessons we learn from children’s books are less important. Sometimes it takes the simplicity of a story meant for little ones to remind us what is really important. Re-read children’s books and you are sure to come back to the grown-up world a calmer person.

So, if you are looking for incredible kids’ stories that also appeal to grown-up minds here are our recommendations. Curl up with these six children’s books. They are not exclusively for children for they are just as exciting as more mature adult reads.
Oh, the Places You’ll Go is a wonderfully wise and blessedly brief graduation speech from the one and only Dr. Seuss. Within just 56 pages, Dr. Seuss is able to send a message full of wisdom not only to children but also adults.
The book encourages young ones to persevere and take adversity in their stride. It is an inspiring modern-classic book that everyone should read.
When a buffalo calf is born it has a beautiful brown and hairy coat but, by the time it is adult, the coat has disappeared and only a grey leathery skin is left. The Nepalese children ask where the coat has gone and this is the story they are told.
This book is full of fun facts and also of life’s lessons. It helps children and even adults understand the beauty of evolving. This is indeed another book that children and parents will surely enjoy.
Peter Locke has written a series of First book, Mikkee the Martian: Mikkee Arrives, the main protagonist’s adventure started. Mikkee arrives on Earth and meets up with Billy and Jilly,
the Watson twins, after his research trip from Mars.
Although the books seem to be written for kids, adults will enjoy these books too. They are filled with magic and superpowers, making them a splendid read for everyone.
The Giving Tree is another classic children’s book. The story is about a boy who went to the tree to eat her apples, swing from her branches and slide down her trunk so the tree was happy. But as the boy grew older he began to want more from the tree and the tree gave and gave and gave.
The book is beautifully written. It reaches deep into its reader’s heart and teaches a lesson about giving and acceptance of how much a person can give back.
Waiting Is Not Easy is an elephant and piggie book. In the story, Piggie has a surprise for Gerald but one that he will have to wait for. And wait and wait some more.
The book teaches us that some of the most incredible things can only come through waiting patiently. It conveys a lesson that is just as relevant to an adult as to children.
The Invisible Boy is a heart-touching story. It is about a small boy named Brian who is invisible to everyone in his class until, one day, a new student arrives and notices him. Slowly Brian becomes less and less invisible. And when Brian and Justin team up to work on a class project together Brian finds a way to shine.
This book teaches us that even the smallest act of kindness can help someone feel accepted and included – something everyone must find out and learn, no matter what their age.
Children’s books are truly magical. They inspire children’s imagination, widen their world, and teach them simple life lessons that will help them as they grow. As for adults, children’s books allow us to experience the world from another perspective, sometimes giving our heart and mind an exhilarating kick.