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A Must-Read Book for Millenials

"They Couldn't Stop the Butterfly" (2016) is a science fiction book with truth artistically conveyed about love, hate, betrayal, sexual cruelty, horror, and murder. It is a book with stories written in poems and essays, offering different flavors in a single course, perfect for people with varying tastes.

Carl Conrad illustrated this book in the Pacific Book Review as "… beautiful, haunting… eclectic collection of insightful and thought-provoking poetry." Likewise, Patricia Estes reviewed the book, leaving a comment, "the short essays are addictive."

Here you'll see, even if a caterpillar, tormented and unappreciated for what it was, will endure to transform and eventually will be loved and adorned for what it will become. Just as how it paved its way to become a beautiful butterfly, humans too paved and will pave the way towards becoming a living being. Out for survival, out for finding life within life.

A must-read book for millennials who need to be reflective. Reflective not only during distressful times like when "We cry about the love we lost, and we don't cherish the love we have," but also for trivial things like "In life, we worry about what kind of food we eat and what type of clothes we wear."

Why couldn't we stop a butterfly? What makes it precious? One reason, potential.

As quoted by the author, "We are not seen for what we are. We are seen for what we can become."

Relative to the fact that invisibility is everywhere around us, whether suppressed, unintended, or unnoticed like pain, internal darkness, or frail things, all we need is one thing—endurance. When endurance tags along with those invisible until the end, the path leads to endless possibilities.

Poet is an author who hopes to become an accomplished one someday. Meanwhile, she works in law enforcement and an inventor that has her trousseau collection. An alumna of Hunter College, currently living in Brooklyn, New York, loves reading and listening to classical music. She also wrote "No hurt in My Pain (2004)", "The Poet's Death, and Other Poems (2016)".

Our Poet, described by Patricia Estes (posted in US Review of Books), is a master of unresolved endings, snappy nicknames, and colorful details.

Poet's work portrays wailing realities–crimes and deaths while also presents nonstationary endings. Thus, reflecting a hope that things, especially unwelcomed ones, can change and turn the other way around.

That brings us to the idea that though we can look back to the past, the future holds our potential. It reminds us to cling to the difference we can make in life and the world, now and in the future.

Oddly enough, often, we are unaware of just how amazing we are or can become, but that doesn't erase the fact that we are beautiful beings, just like a butterfly.



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