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A Story of Life Lessons and Values: Morality Shorts by Miatta Lynn Lansana

We are often bombarded with the chaos of the world, and sometimes we forget ourselves in the process. We go into self-destruct mode wherein all we do is regret and wallow in sadness, but how should we really live our lives? Miatta Lynn’s short anthology collection might guide you to a path of self-reconstruction and a life filled with purpose.

Miatta Lynn is a born evangelist, and her words are truly meant to heal and replenish the whole earth. Released in 2018, Morality Shorts is a compilation of stories filled with life lessons and values. It is comprised of melodic, anecdotal tales that can provoke someone’s thought, thinking and will have them searching about how life should be lived. Although the author is an evangelist, non-Christians will find the stories relatable, wherein they can gain a new perspective of the life they have been living. The 48-page book draws a line between right and wrong and illustrates how one missed step can determine the course of life.

First debuted in the world of literature during an International Library of Poetry Contest, her work “Definition of A Woman” was included in a short anthology called “Of Memory and Bliss” in 1999. This opened up new opportunities for the beloved author in songwriting, leading her to write two songs entitled “Straight from My Heart” and “God is All You Need” under Hilltop Records 200 and Amerecord 2001. She was also involved in the publication of two books: “The Heart of a Woman Through Poetry 1& 2” (2002) and “Morality Shorts: Short Stories with Poetic Twist (2012). In 2016, publishing company Stratton Press offered to republish Morality Shorts and since then has gained popularity through its republished edition in 2018.

Miatta Lynn’s narrative speaks of love and understanding of the situations that her readers are in. The book’s easily understandable texts are heartful and full of wonderful twists about what life really is and how sometimes, things won’t go our way, but God only directs us in the direction he wants us to be in. What’s more, is that the book’s unique take on life offers a different perspective wherein readers are encouraged to question the current life they’re living in and how they would like to live it out afterward. After all, life is indeed very short, and anything can happen, but God has always been a constant reminder that He has been a very good provider for everyone, even those who don’t believe in him.

The book is only written within a few pages, but it takes readers on a journey that will deconstruct their lives in order to find their purpose and finally live a life well-lived. MiattaLynn illustrates the thin lines and the boundaries we cross but shows us that we can reconsider our steps, come back from our mistakes and be the person that has a purpose, with morality in mind一, never forgetting who we are but also making ourselves anew for a new purpose.

Morality Shorts is filled with new opportunities for its readers to seek and to be enlightened.


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