The Author

Author Pamela Jones offers children the world of fairytales with adventure towards magical worlds with fantastical characters. The humbling thing is, it is a book for a cause: a work for charity.
Pamela was born in a small village called Prestolee in Lancashire but now lives in a beautiful place called Angelsey. She went to a church school called 'Do as you like school,' located around the corner of her house, which was also the place where they thank God for the blessings they receive. Her school's memory was fun because of the brilliant teachers, Mr. O'Neil and his wife, who ran the school. She got her love for reading from her English teacher, who would read them (every Christmas) 'Lewis Carrol Story Christmas Carol' using different voices for each character.
Her writing journey started again because of her grandchildren, who wanted stories no one had heard before. So, they invented a little village called Celrin, derived from her grandchildren's names, Celine and Catrin.

Pamela has now written about 200 stories. She features superheroes, Time travelers, Giants, Magic mirrors, leprechauns, Fairies, Rolie Polli, the penguin and friends, Pirates, Spanish Galleons, and Potato man to name a few. She takes writing stories for kids as her vocation and is passionate about giving charity to ill children.
She came across an advertisement that features fundraising to treat a little girl named 'Anya' who had lost all her hair due to neuroblastoma cancer. The picture made Pamela remember the time when she also lost all hair (even almost her life) because of having measles and German measles all at once. The occurrence inspired her to write books to raise funds. Every penny she receives from the book purchases proceeds to Alder Hey Children's Hospital in Liverpool to aid children battling cancer.
Featured book
'Lolly Molly and the Lollipop Tree' is a book series that tells the story of tiny and radiant fairies living in a village filled with many fairies. The story introduces us to fairies and other characters who brighten up their home by taking care of the environment.
The series has now published Book 3, "Dragons, Witches, Warlocks, and Giants," which tells the treasure hunting journey of Hedrick of Dragons Cottage, with Cassandra the good witch and dragon, and Ulrick The giant, whom he found in a glass jar while fishing. And a Book 9 that features the "Adventures of Millie Pillie the Caterpillar and Mr. Mawumba, The African Medicine Man and Witch Doctor."
Bibliophile's Notes
The book received a warm welcome from those who have already read the story. A reader found it as a "truly delightful fairy story and so very British." "My kids would have loved this story when they were little. I'll have to save them for my grandchildren now. It makes me miss home," she added. Another recognized it as an excellent story for children and commented, "fantastic read, really enjoyed it. Will read it to the kids next. I got into visualizing the story, very creative."
Add Pamela Jones's 'Lolly Molly and the Lollipop Tree' series on your bookshelf now, available at By having this book, you offer your kids a fun read and contribute charity to ill kids all at once.
Know more about the author by following her social media sites:
Facebook: Pamela May Jones