Every day, I walk in the streets with people I don’t know. I see how they look, and the expressions on their faces are all different. We may walk on the same street, but our journey is on different paths. No matter what measures the distance of the struggle we have on the inside, we somehow reach the point of understanding each other. We empathize because we humans can connect emotionally.

The perils encountered in this generation has dealt a lot with the issues of mental health. Being diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and traumas at a young age is quite alarming. The causes are coming from miscommunication, social discrimination, cyberbullying, and depressing relationships. As you observe other people, you tend to place yourself in their shoes. Upon doing so, it only breaks your heart. There must be a way. They deserve a better life and future.
“Life is too short to allow today’s transgressions to alter or devour you.” – Mary Brock

Reading something inspirational may help you ease the life struggles you have. The Etching on My Mind: Perils of Life and Changing Timesis a timely masterpiece of poetry collection written by Mary S. Brock. The book covers a broad range of emotional and social problems of this day and age. Because of her abundance of sympathy for many people in the world today, she hopes that the book will give her readers hope, solace, encouragement, and self-gratification. The collection is divided into categories, namely “Changing Times” (reflecting changes in generations), “Perils of Life” (On Young People Struggling to Survive), “Words to the Wise” (actions and emotions of people today), and “Words of Consolation” (poems of love, humor, and self-gratification). The moment you read this, it makes you realize that you are not alone struggling in this world. If you’re the kind of person perpetually on a mission to improve yourself, this book can provide stellar inspiration and guidance.
Despite the stumbling blocks thrown in her path at some point in her life, Mary has strived to succeed in her endeavors. Her illness is not a hindrance to her doing more of what she is passionate about. Instead, it becomes her drive to help and reach out to other people who are also in the midst of pain and darkness. Mary Brock is indeed an inspiration to many.
Publishing her book is one of her ways to contribute to a better future. She hopes that her works will get into the school system, in the libraries for comfort reading, churches, and mental health facilities as a self-help tool. Her vision to bring joy into many lives of people through her works is something that the world needs today.