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Finding Home in England and Nepal

Exciting is an understatement when describing the life of Belinda Price. She is the author of “How Buffalo Lost Her Coat,” a children’s book about a story she heard while she was on a retreat in India’s Bodh Gaya. But being an author is just one of the many things that Belinda has accomplished. From being a porcelain restorer to an osteopath, Belinda mastered many skills and forayed into a variety of endeavors that only a person living life to the fullest could accomplish.

Traveling is a huge part of Belinda’s life, allowing her to build separate but interconnected lives on different sides of the world. In England, Belinda spends time with her family and friends,gardens, enjoys the countryside, and volunteers in a local community garden. However, her other home is in Nepal, where she spent many years running a massage clinic with a young local whom she met during her travels. Belinda spent most of the autumn and spring seasons in Nepal while making side trips to India during the winter season.

Aside from being an osteopath, Belinda also worked as a jewelry designer and, with her ever-present camera, enjoyed  thrill-seeking adventures in her free time, such as white water rafting, cycling for miles alone exploring India, and mountain gliding with a vulture set against the picturesque backdrop of the Himalayas.

Having the chance to live on opposite sides of the world allowed Belinda to gain a deeper perspective of the world and opened up many unique and exciting opportunities she could have easily missed had she stayed in one place. For others, it may appear that traveling back and forth between Nepal and England may be an uphill task, but Belinda surely enjoyed every bit of it and has no regrets in the process. And yes, the two countries may have different cultures, but Belinda found her own space in both places that she will always call home wherever her next destination may be.


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