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First Step Of Learning

A home is a place of belonging, an open arm where you could live, laugh and learn. Home is somewhere the people you care about and cares about who you are. And a place of becoming. A hearth where children are forged, nurtured, and polished. Thus, the book "I'm Alright Day and Night" by Christina Lee-Pruitt comes considerably.

Nursery Rhymes are children's first experience of a narrative structure. You'd usually hear them singing about the English alphabet, counting 123, or how to wash your hands properly. And that is the most enjoyable way to make a child retain a lesson he would bear a lifetime.

Hence, this book highlights the thought of children feeling safe and loved. An excellent way for children to experience fun and be aware of the existence of the Almighty God. In this book, it is expressed in poetry and rhymes children can be easily familiar with. An amusing way to help children develop their language proficiency and comprehension. The best way to create a child's creativity and insights. The most efficient way to let their imagination soar.

And for parents, regardless of the social economy, a family belongs in, studies show that children do better when their parents engage in such activities. What parents do is pivotal for their children's development. It's at home where children are bound to carve the person who they will become. Being a parent is being your child's first teacher and should remain their teacher throughout life. Let them flourish by sustaining the fundamentals necessary throughout. Children are books themselves, written by how you help them develop their foundational skills and publish as they walk out of your footstep with wisdom.

"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance." —1 Corinthians 13:4-7

The most acceptable way a mother could show love to her child is to help them prosper by showering all the love she could give and letting him know at an early age the most incredible love from our God above. Knowing His love and knowing they are loved helps children to feel secure and appreciated regardless of accomplishments. An act of unconditional love from parents is critical for a child's emotional and physical growth. With this book, let us pave our way into being the best parents we can be, holding our children to sleep, reading the love of God, carving the rhymes of the words into their minds, and making them remember the fun in learning and the warmth of wisdom. What a child will become tomorrow is shaped by how he is taken care of today.

To make learning fun and to learn the words of God little by little. Grab a copy of I'm Alright Day and Night on Amazon. Available also on different major online bookstores!


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