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Good vibes and Happy Thoughts: Into the world and words of Missee Nelligan

"In a world of chaos - Kindness, care, and love really do make a difference."

These beautiful words are taken personally from a rising author of our times, Missee Nelligan. Fueled with positivity and good vibes, she is on her way to publishing more and more of her books inspired by love and life.

It was her humble beginnings that pushed her to pursue her passion and write straight from her heart. After being convinced by an influential person in her life that she is excellent in writing, this person suggested that she should write a book so then she jumped to start her career and shared her talent with the world.

Her works show exactly its reflection from her belief and principle that kindness, care, and love will make a difference. As a self-publishing author, her works revolve around poetry, inspiring thoughts, and even photography that she wants to share with the rest of us. In her works entitled "DON'T STOP" and "SMILE FOR YOU," these happy thoughts and comforting words are reflected.

Her works are way more than just words; they are fuel for mind, body, and soul towards an optimistic viewpoint. They will remind you that no matter how hard the trials you are facing right now — everything can be solved and faced with a grateful heart and a happy soul.

Check out also her newly published book entitled "You Are Your Happiness." See more of her inspiring words to uplift our spirit in times of great need and even in our silent battles. Absorb her words of wisdom and change your life's perspective for the better. Let her vibrant smile, happy thoughts, graceful personality, and comforting words be our takeaway in our everyday existence.

And even before you get to purchase her books, you can take a sneak peek of her works and get up close and personal through her social media accounts: Instagram @BLUEYESMISTY and Facebook @ BLUEYESMISTY.

You may also visit her website at for a glimpse of our inspiring author in the limelight.


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