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How-To Guidance Points with Rev. Emmanuel Oghene

None of us learned anything through ourselves alone. At some point, teachers, parents, and professors taught us. Beyond the four corners of the classroom, we find ourselves emulating somebody else. In our lonesome times, exposure to different resource materials helped us shape our growing skills and knowledge. One way or another, we are determined by the learning scaffolds we manifest day in and day out. Yet, the most basic and essential learning topic seems to be overlooked by school curriculums, training schools, and even by ourselves: how to be human. For Rev. Emmanuel Oghene, this fundamental lesson can be received through impassioned learning and manifesting God.

Rev. Emmanuel Oghene is a preacher of Jesus Christ since 1994 and a religious author since 2004. His works have been released throughout multiple publications garnering readers of almost all age groups. Learning and living what one has learned have been the core drivers for Rev. Oghene. The following are his how-to guides from the societal level down towards the very individual level:

How do make societies more cohesive?

Reflect on God’s cabal concept.

Not to be confused with the Old Testament false god: Baal, “cabal” refers to groups, factions, or brotherhoods. To better understand this, Rev. Oghene published the book, “God Authored Cabal Concept”. His book described biblical cabals whose teamwork and steadfast faith led them to become exemplary characters. The trio of John, James, and Peter who prior to being Jesus’ disciples, were career partners first, and later on their brotherhood was cemented by their faith. The duo of Darius and Daniel from the Old Testament at which King Darius appointed Daniel to oversee the Babylonian Empire. The one-man cabals of Jeremiah and Joseph as a determinant of a nation’s destiny and as empire governor, respectively. Through having people that reflect the betterment of society through God’s leading, societies can be more cohesive.

Connect and network

The need for connection is needed now more than ever. With people encouraged to isolation, connections through any forms are appreciated. Connection is the central theme in Rev. Oghene’s book: “Surviving Among Strangers”. Here he describes biblical people whose relocations have godly reasons and leadings: Abraham moved to Canaan, Moses went to Midian, Jacob escaped to Haran, and more. In these new communities they found themselves in, they were foreigners at first. Later on, they were able to establish and lead communities of believers in Christ. Won’t you like to be just among those who genuinely worship and praise God? Try connecting and networking today.

Respect women

Women more often do not wield shields and spears but wield nourishing powers for societies to thrive. They circulate life and grace to the societies they belong to. Rev. Oghene respects their societal role and standing through his book: “Marvelous Mothers’ Mentality, Methods & Tactics”. In this book, the author emphasized how women, especially mothers, have profound impacts on their children. The book narrates through how God worked through Hannah to make her son Samuel grow into a wise and discerning prophet; the role of Timothy’s mother Eunice and his maternal grandmother Lois on how the young apostle worked alongside Paul of Tarsus; Mary and how she followed the Lord to the young Jesus Christ, and so much more women worthy of emulation. Respecting women is respecting the very roots of societal cohesion.

How to best learn from your parents?

Through appropriate parent learning.

In Rev. Oghene’s book: “Just Like Daddy and Mummy”, he implores everyone to follow a parent’s rewarding example while using their life mishaps as cautionary tales. In the book, the author details that not all parents were perfect: multiplicity of marriages and child preferences were present even during biblical times yet the ultimate parent, God the Father, was there to rebuke, admonish, and nurture biblical individuals at the same time. With God, all learning from Him is appropriate parent-learning.

How to deal with personal and professional setbacks?

Follow God despite your imperfections.

The book “Moses’ Double Standard Dealership” by Rev. Oghene showcases that even the greatest biblical leaders and characters were not spotless white and totally harmless. They too fell down. They too were rebuked. But God’s grace abounds for them and to everyone who receives Him. The Perfect God knows your imperfections. Trust Him to be the One who heals and provides.

Love them or discard them, Rev. Oghene’s books are here to stay. Reverend Emmanuel Oghene’s books serve as a reflection of the messages he wants more audiences to grasp and contemplate. Other than the five worthy reads mentioned here, Rev. Oghene also penned "Jesus' Prayer Prescriptions", "Save Us to Serve You", "This Stage-Managed Life & World", plus so much more. For more how-to guides from Rev. Oghene's works, seminars, and teachings, you can write to him at You can also choose to reach out to him on 00447440716556. He is also on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter: @Emmanue90489838.


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