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Miracle of Life: The Faith Journey of Cornelius and Christina Browne

Waiting for a miracle to happen needs fervent prayers and deep faith in God. We live in this world with a lot of uncertainties. Every day people are striving to live to survive without the guarantee of an easy and comfortable journey. As they say, life is nothing but a series of challenges that eventually build our character in the long run. Our faith is tested to stand firm and have this testimony showing the world that miracles do happen.

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much – James 5:16

One best story is the faith journey of the couple who struggled with being childless within a marriage. They waited for a long time to be blessed with having a child. However, they found out that from a medical doctor for pregnancy, and it is impossible to have a child because of infertility. The couple did not stop trying and have consulted other experienced relatives, friends, and even traditional doctors. Then one day, they knew that the one who made everything in the world had a different purpose in their life. Through the experience of waiting in faith, hoping whole-heartedly, and praying fervently together, a miracle happened in life. They received three beautiful gifts, which they cherished so dearly; finally, they were blessed with children in God's time.


He is expressing himself through me, I will allow it" – Dr. Christina Browne.

The book "The Word: That Made Us Whole" shares the remarkable journey of faith of Dr. Christina Browne, a consultant psychiatrist. Her husband, Cornelius Browne, a minister and accomplished, pioneering visual artist. They have written the discovery of the incredible power of God's word not only healed them as a married couple with an unmet need of being childless before, but the greater part also is founding a new complementary mental health service together that serves more people who are in need.

Reading this book will surely inspire more people who experience the same struggles or even other kinds of life challenges. With their living testimony of the miracle they received from God, it will give hope for the hopeless and relief for the frustrated. Indeed, the word is mighty enough in creating possibilities in life uncertainties.


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