“Love makes the world go round. And, Love has different kinds of faces. There is so many kinds of Love in the book…” KLS Fuerte, The Book Hour Interview

It is always interesting to talk about Love in stories. These thoughts of going head over heels, swoon in the moonlight, and lay on a bed of roses with the man of your dreams triggers the romance that you always have fantasized about. However, real-life kicks in to wake you up from that dream. It will show you the man of your dreams turning into a nightmare of disaster – in other words, a devil in disguise.

KLS Fuerte, the author of Never Saw You Coming, knows how to pull the readers’ heartstrings by writing a romantic fiction about Love and its wide array of reality. There is so much emotion in the book that could go across different kinds of Love, such as for family, oneself, to other people (colleagues), and the significant other. No wonder it becomes much more relatable to people despite their status or race.

On being a writer, KLS Fuerte’s inspirations come from the most ordinary way. Simple travels allow her to observe people and listen to their conversations. At times, she takes notes while she listens, believing that there’s this gem in every person’s story. Dark moments in life are part of her reference in writing the novel. “Positivity in the darkest days can be so subliminal, that inspires and fascinates me at the same time”, said the author.
Writing a story particular to this romance fiction novel basically comes from the combination of her personal experience, short encounter with strangers, and imagination. Her own Love and travel adventures have inspired many lines and paragraphs writing her first book, Never Saw You Coming
Meanwhile, the readers of Never Saw You Coming waits for the next sequel with such excitement. KLS Fuerte mentioned that she hopes to finish writing the sequel before the 31st December 2020. That’s her promise. For those who haven’t read it yet, check out the book Never Saw You Coming by KLS Fuerte. This is definitely a page-turner romance novel that you’ll never let go!