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Of Wars and Memories and Chasing Barrett’s Fifty: A Book of Fiction by Anthony Parran

When a person serves the army or any of the power-definitive positions in the government, the feel of being in the state of alertness never leaves a person’s memory even after retiring from service. This fact has been an evident background in the lives of those who have seen war, been involved in it, and have come to see the ending of such social situations.

The truth is the memories formed during the war years never leave one’s memory because of the many visuals that it leaves the mind. The pain seems to be consistently alive even after retirement. With pain and agony from his experiences of seeing and engaging in the field during the war years, Anthony Parran, the author of Chasing Barrett’s Fifty: A Book of Fiction, has captured not only the situations but the very emotions that come with the confusions and complications of living a life in constant alertness due to thrilling experiences.

The reality behind the war and the memories that it left the author has been transformed into a fictional story that engages readers into thinking what it really feels to be in the middle of a complicated situation that puts their safety and comfort in jeopardy.

Trying to cope with his own pain, Parran’s inspiration from the works of James Patterson has been turned into a creative presentation of fictional stories where he placed his experiences and imagination and brought them to life.

In the story, Parran introduces an air force general and his wife, an FBI agent in partnership with a federal marshal to bring down a drug-smuggling ring. In the process, though, there was a brewing political conspiracy in the background, which brings the story into thrilling suspense. With enough twists and turns, Parran has created a great series of settings and characters that create a rather interesting story that would keep readers focused on the reading until it ends.

Parran’s engaging situations and settings in his six fictional stories define the very core from which the stories were created. The perfect visual and descriptions offered in each story, the personal connection of the author not only to his characters but the settings as well, could be obviously observed.

Towards the end of each story, the definition of hope could be felt. In a way, the author himself wants to convey that in the middle of different problems and issues that he has presented in his work, he still believes in good endings- that there is still hope for everything to turn out for the better. This consistent voice in most of his stories certainly defines Parran’s ideas about life and how he still believes that at the end of everything, no matter how complicated or negative life may have been, there is still a reason to hope that things would turn out for the better.



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