In today’s rapidly changing world, it is extremely easy to be dragged down by everyday life. We are all aware of so much depressing, worrying, and unsettling information through every type of media. It is no wonder that we can sometimes feel overwhelmed and lost. However, we all have help available, and all we have to do is wear the armor of God. An armor that could serve as the shield in every conflict we encounter. In the book written by Elfreda Knaus entitled ‘A Town Like No Other: Putting an Armor of God During Tough Times,’ her purpose of writing is to show people how they can live an extraordinary life despite the horrible things happening around them. She wanted to share that faith is the key to living such a life.
Sometimes we forget who we are. We then struggle, battling to cope alone with life and juggling the myriad of many different tasks we have to deal with on a day-to-day basis. We need to remember that we are actually all spiritual beings on a temporary journey in a physical body. It is extremely difficult living in this tough physical world of our choosing. For this is the school of hard knocks, and we are all here to learn lessons to advance ourselves. However, we are not expected to go it alone, so we have a supply of spiritual armor.
To access that armor, just finds somewhere quiet, preferably when you are alone, and begin your conversation in prayer. You may wish to ask for strength to be pointed in the direction of an answer. Sometimes we can have a problem beyond our capabilities or that we have tried and failed to resolve; then, it is time to hand it over totally to God. Tell Him what is bothering you and that you are now handing it over to Him, then relax and try not to worry about it.
After you have asked for help, it is done. There is no need for continued asking. God has heard you the first time and is working on it. Do not expect instant results; God works in his own time and to his schedule. The power of prayer should never be underestimated, for it is immense and can be life-changing.
To defeat any obstacle in life, we must put on the whole armor of God, including faith, righteousness, and the hope of salvation in the Kingdom of God. We must have compassion for others and pray for them. If we have our spiritual armor in place, we can defeat Satan and grow spiritually. That is good news.