M.R. Darhaman treats his readers to a rollicking narrative following a princess fleeing from her oppressive life at court, a dashing captain seeking excitement, and a story that follows a woman's quest to live her own life freely. This is "Man, The Homecoming King," an adventure in the far east.
The story begins with Princess Anis, who is pursued by her own men as she tries to escape her restrictive upbringing and the plans others had in store for her. She longs to have a choice in how she lives her life, without anyone to force her to do anything against her wishes. In this, she is aided by Captain Man, a dashing rogue with a heart of gold. Their adventures span across the seas and kingdoms of the far east and treat readers to a new setting for swashbuckling excitement.

"What inspired me to write this book is to bring readers to delve into the past far-eastern culture and to bring their imagination to an unknown territory for entertainment purpose," Darhaman says. Hailing from Sarawak, he knows firsthand how rich and vibrant the region is and how exciting its history can be. He draws from his own culture and society as well as its past to weave an exhilarating adventure set in the age of sail.
At the same time, he also depicts the struggles of a woman seeking to control her own choices and destiny in an era when such notions were less accepted. So not only are his protagonists daring in facing opponents, but also courageous in their convictions and values. Darhaman's protagonists also show his readers that anything is possible so long as one has the will and stands firm in the face of challenges and disappointments.
"I would like to highlight the concept of positive thinking and thinking big." Darhaman says.
About the Author
M.R. Darhaman was born in Kuching, Sarawak, in 1967 and was educated in English Medium Schools until he graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom. He is a consultant in the field of Occupational Safety and Health. Darhaman is blessed with a happy family consisting of a wife, one son, and two daughters. Currently, he resides on Dream Hill Villa in Kota Samarahan in Sarawak. His passions include writing stories that give readers beneficial insights that are inspiring and entertaining at the same time.