In a world we are not familiar with, a place lurking with supernatural life, the story of sisters Elizabeth and Alyssa Cromwell started in the small town of Pensacola, Florida. A once joyful and easy life that drastically twisted into an unpredictable plot - a burst of laughter that turned into sorrow and love that suddenly turned into hatred.
So how long can you keep a secret?
August Alexander is the author of the first-ever book she wrote entitled 'Midnight Moon.' Soon after, she also released the continuation of this book entitled 'Dark Secrets.' August Alexander is a simple woman who grew up in Mississippi. With her dream of becoming a writer, she began writing stories that everyone will surely relate to and be interested in - topics about love. As young as 13 years old, August already fell in love with reading. Years of writing and reading broaden her imagination as she sees the world from different perspectives. The creativity of her mind is what took her to be able to narrate such a thrilling and entertaining book.
The first book 'Midnight Moon' follows the story of the Cromwell sisters Elizabeth and Alyssa. There, the sisters partake in light-hearted adolescent life. But amidst the summer bliss, Elizabeth Cromwell decided to approach her journey to Pensacola Junior College, leaving her mother and younger sister behind to pursue a new beginning. The beginning of a drastic shift in her life that no one would have predicted.
'Dark Secrets' is the continuation of the first book written by August Alexander. She wrote this book with her never-ending love for her main character, the Cromwell Sisters. The author knew that deep down in her heart, there are still untold stories about their adventure that needed to be shared.
The book 'Dark Secrets' started a year after Elizabeth Cromwell killed and conquered the evil pureblooded vampire Vladimir. With Jade's intention of seeking revenge for the death of Vladimir, Elizabeth knew that they needed to be on guard because, at any moment, their peaceful life could suddenly turn into danger. Things started becoming more complicated when two vampires come into town to look for the assistance of Elizabeth and Caleb. Problems turned into one after another as the dark secret of the past followed them. A dark secret that is yet to be uncovered.
The story of the Cromwell Sisters continued as they went through overwhelming emotions when they faced numerous obstacles as they travel to Egypt. A place where they take on the Egyptian clan of vampires to protect their loved ones from the dark and evil powers that threaten them.
'Dark Secrets,' written by August Alexander, is an action-driven thriller book with supernatural elements. The book contains rich and in-depth themes that its readers will surely look forward to. The detailed and unique writing style of August Alexander would take you on an entertaining experience in the supernatural world. It is a vampire thriller book that is highly enjoyable and recommended to everyone.
So if you are looking for urban fantasy fun with a real-life spin, 'Dark Secrets' written by August Alexander, is a book that will leave you wanting more!