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To Live in The Power of The Spirit in John DiBattista's Tell Them That I Love Them

"Walk without fear for I will be there with you. Always by your side to help you when you need me. Says the Lord, Because I chose you to be a fight on the earth and so that you will preach my word wherever you may be" 一 The Lord's Message to the author, John DiBattista

As the global pandemic slowly changed our lives in a way that we didn't see coming, we now seek to develop our spiritual growth to find peace and healing in times of great uncertainty. To find such peace in a chaotic world is impossible. Still, God always finds a way to convey his message through his ordained people like John DiBattista Jr., who wrote Tell Them That I Love Them: Living in the Power of the Spirit, a compelling book that talks about God's love through short stories.

Released in 2012, the book is a compilation of short stories which are personal messages given to the author John DiBattista by Jesus Christ. These short stories will take readers into step-by-step guidance to personal conversion, the author's spiritual growth process, and his life of service that he dedicated to serving the Lord and spreading his word. It emphasizes the gospels of Jesus Christ in a way that it radiates comfort and makes one feel as though they are being taken under the wings of the Spirit himself. According to John, he was inspired to write the book while contemplating his ministry and asking himself to reach more people. At that certain moment, he was told by the Holy Spirit to write the book. With love for challenges and people, he wrote the manuscript even while having doubts about his ability and eventually being able to finish it and publish it with Westbrow Press.

Tell Them That I Love Them is not just an anthology of stories that promise to tell about God's love. It paints a picture of how God is the same from the beginning of time to today, and all of the things being read in the scriptures are true and occur in people's lives. John has been tasked to demonstrate that truth in today's world that seems to be falling out of touch with the Lord. The author's narrative is full of love and grace as he speaks of the miracles that happened in his life even when he was a child, the provisions God has graciously given him and his family throughout the years. John's purpose is to tell the world that the power of being born again has not been lost. As God has been benevolent in John's life in all these years, he is able to tell stories, real stories full of miraculous truth that God can only do and perform in one's life and can recount the process and the results enjoyed throughout a series of short stories.

With that being said, the book illustrates how God's love comes in different ways and that we, as human beings, are blessed and therefore should tell other people the truth that God has given us. God's love indeed can change minds, lives, and perspectives and we only need to put in our efforts like John did to be able to share his love graciously, with poems or stories or our own testimonies.


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