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Top 6 Best Books to Read During Quarantine

The best resource you have so much now is time. Being under quarantine allows you to have quality time for yourself. You have the chance to revisit your hobbies, be creative, and try something new. Remember the books you never touched yet placed on the shelf for so long? Now is a perfect time! Grab a coffee, chill on your couch, and read your book.

I suggest you add these best books on your reading list for a bunch of inspiration and motivation during this quarantine.

1. Fleeing Polio on Wings Like The Eagle by Barbara Ker Mann

Rise above like an eagle amidst the adversities during this pandemic by getting inspired reading the life of Barbara Ker Mann. At an early age, she was diagnosed with polio but never gave up her dreams in life. Instead, she keeps going and live life in a normal way despite the judgments. You might even be interested in learning the violin too after reading this. Learning music this time you have is a great idea too.

2. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

Do you have piled up things at home you never use anymore? Get this chance during the quarantine to plan for a major clean up. Marie Kondo takes tidying up to the whole new level. She created the KonMari method where it leads to lasting results. Determine whether your thing still sparks joy in your life. Make a phenomenal change on your very own home.

3. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck by Mark Manson

You have more time now to ponder on your life struggles before the quarantine. Actually not everything needs your attention. Mark Manson encourages in his book to limiting yourself to mindless exposure on too much social media and focus instead to the real value of life. Make a mindset change after the quarantine for a better you.

4. Love and Misadventure by Lang Leav

If you feel heart broken this quarantine, check out Lang Leav’s personal collection of poetry about the initial butterflies and ill-fated love. You will realize that you are not broken alone. The mischiefs of being out of love is universal. Take time in melancholy, you might get some inspirations too.

5. The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery

If you want something classic and inspiring read while sipping your warm coffee then this book is for you. Like the little prince, we have our own little planet. We are all unique in as way we could be. Antoine de Saint Exupery encourages us to have a contemplation about life and the people around you. Remember, “what essential is invisible to the eye”.

6. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle’s message is simple: living in the now is the truest path to happiness and enlightenment. At this point of time, we are all frustrated being stuck at home and uncertainties. We are reminded by Eckhart Tolle to recognize the gift of now and be content. Reading this book will take your stress away.

There are unexpected and unexplainable things in life but hold on and trust at the moment. Things take time. All you need is to survive. This quarantine finds a good book, and you’ll have a good company.


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