Religious organizations strongly preach that earthly desires can and do lead to sinfulness and that mankind should be encouraged to be contented with what we already have, as seeking power and more material things in this world will lead to selfishness, corruption, and evilness. This subject matter is evident in people's behaviour, where politicians are willing to lie, deceive and kill one another for power and money, while other people will heartlessly scam their fellow man and bully those who do not have enough strength to fight for themselves. In our world today, one of the roots to this kind of wickedness can be found with humanity's craving to want more and more. And by wanting more, we are willing to exploit and cheat other people.
On the other hand, desiring for more does not always imply negativity. For instance, you can change the direction of desire from the negative to the positive. For example, where the individual becomes retrospective and looks into themselves and see their faults or shortcomings. Using this information, the individual can come to an epiphany to realize and desire to become a better person. Applying this reasoning to our everyday lives, a person who lacks knowledge about the world is usually prone to be taken advantage of. These people can protect themselves by aiming higher in life, studying harder, and pushing themselves to become more knowledgeable and better versions.
Furthermore, Science and Technology have greatly changed our lives, such that where humanity in the past once thought was impossible is now commonplace. With society's advancement, everyday life has seen major changes within it, making life that was once a struggle to survive, to be comfortable, and relatively carefree. But due to the nature of mankind's desire to rebel, there is a constant desire to improve on what we have, which drives a continuous need to invent and innovate. The impact of this progressive change has seen major changes to the level of knowledge, communication, comfort, medicine, food, entertainment, health, transportation, and housing. People of today have the highest standard of living, compared to any other time in the past.
As our society evolves, so too does the level of our knowledge and our understanding of the Universe. Therefore, in turn, as the Universe slowly reveals its wonders to us, so too does our desire not to alone. Surreptitiously, life on Earth has yet not been fully explored, and there exist innumerable living organisms that have yet to be studied. However, when studying biology, there is a theory called convergent evolution where organisms subjected to the same type of environment will evolve and adapt to similar-looking types of organisms. A good example of this the Echidna, the Porcupines, and the Hedgehog. Where an Echidna is an egg-laying monotreme that nurses their young with milk, conversely, the Porcupines and the Hedgehog give birth to live young, and they nurse their young with milk. Subsequently, if we apply this reasoning to the Universe, it is inevitable that somewhere else in the Universe, life must also exist.
Humans desire to not be alone in the Universe, and when we hear a piece of news about UFOs, humanity can't help wondering what that other life maybe look like or, for that matter, how that life might exist living on a different planet.

Bob Šablatúra, the author of Dark Matter, Unified Field Theory, and UFO's Are Understandable and Achievable, was privy to a UFO crashed site in the local area he was in. At 12 years old, his father was very interested in it and could get a piece of it from the farmer whose property it crashed on. All the locals talked about it, and soon, the area was off blocked by officials, and subsequently, all the materials they could find at that crash site were confiscated.
Bob Šablatúra loved Science ever since he's was five years old. Today, he's is doing a Ph.D. part-time student working in the area of Science Education. He has achieved six majors at University and is seeking to expand his knowledge even further.
Bob Šablatúra's book uses layman's terms in a genuine attempt to explain what is up till now and is still not fully understood by most people, the unification of different difficult concepts in physics. Bob Šablatúra's love of Science was the driving force for him to get all his tertiary qualifications but also his desire to write this book and hopefully help contribute to the field of Science.
So, why do we keep seeking for more even if we've had enough?
When opportunities come your way, do not let it escape you, but believe in yourself and go for it. For if caveman was only content with what they had, we would not have the society that we have today. Our everyday is life is dynamic and full of energy, but if we never make an effort to contribute, we will fall into a rut and end up being ungratified with who we are. Therefore, as long our desires to reach our dreams do not hurt anyone, seeking more may contribute to society and maybe the right thing to do.