“We tend to be tough on ourselves even for the smallest things. We are kind to others, but when it comes to our own criticism, we are really our toughest critics. Why can’t we be kind to ourselves? The daily activity of being kind to yourself tells yourself you are worthy, you are beautiful, you are handsome, you are great. Every day is different, and some days certainly can be tough, so please find it in you to be kind. You are unique, and you are amazing just the way you are.”
These are the beautiful words lifted from Misee Nelligan’s website https://www.blueyesmisty.
com/the-authors-corner/. As a believer that it is good in everything and every one, our author came up with this inspirational book entitled “Don’t Stop.” From her sharing, the book came into reality after an overwhelming need and passion of compiling her poems and photographs to be shared with the world.

Reading “Don’t Stop” will not only fill you with words but also of good sceneries. As our author feels good in taking photos and capturing the moments, this mood-lifting book also contains photographs of the place, sunsets, sunrise, sea, and the sky. Flipping through the pages will make you feel like you are traveling to different places at different times.
Indeed, we have a vast world to explore and share. In this book, let us indulge ourselves in the words of encouragement and inspiration to uplift ourselves. Get ready to be taken into Australia, the U.S.A, and the other side of the world around Asia like Malaysia and Singapore. Absorb the good vibes and happiness brought to you by the wonderful places, beautiful animals, and priceless smiles captured by Misee Nelligan. May the book fill your hearts and minds with the words put together to create meaning and recreate life experiences.
Aside from this book “Don’t Stop,” our inspiring author also has her podcast episode posted on her website and many more photos and quotes. After all, Misee Nelligan wants to leave us a message to find comfort in pursuing things that make us happy, may it be writing, reading, traveling, or taking photographs.
Together, let us read through her book and face every day with a grateful soul. Lastly, we may never forget that happiness is found within us and will always be our choice.